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... With a refrigerator, phone, TV, and VCR, the finished interior looked nothing like a normal car. With a short stretch of the imagination, it reminded the owner of a luxurious yacht. But instead of a hull it had wheels! Stretch...
... As a prominent interior designer, Megan was invited to a TV talk show. ① chief ② popular ③ primitive ④ unknown ⑤ conscious 3. The enormous castle on top of the hill is one of the tourist attractions....
made-for-TV patriotic display that he has spent years lobbying to revive. (There have been no... the Interior warned visitors to observe social distancing — while noting that viewing areas on...
Boise TV station, before suggesting ways to socially distance while celebrating. At the same... Bernhardt, the Secretary of the Interior, announced in a news release on Wednesday a “one-of-a...
naturally-inspired interior designs hewn from wood and granite. Floor-to-ceiling glass windows... Guests will find a smart TV in their room to access various video contents. The package is...
in interior design or prefer small rooms. Last year, domestic sales of the product increased by... on TV. According to Charmzone, the Ginkgo All New Cleansing Tissue is the fruit of 27 years of...
It must also, of course, be a place that will look beautiful on TV — the better to complement... Along an interior corridor, real panels were removed (later put back) to wire for cameras...