orchestrate검색어 결과
intimidating - orchestrate 사실..발음하기도 힘들고 단어의 뜻이 생각보다 빨리 안떠오르는 단어죠!?... orchestrate (원하는 결과를 내기 위해 치밀히) 조직/기획/조율하다 뭔가 계획보다 치밀하고 계획...
intimidating, orchestrate.] 1) vulnerable : (공격, 비난, 유혹, 상처 등에 영향 받기... 3) orchestrate : (원하는 결과를 내기 위해 치밀히) 조직/ 기획/ 조율하다. ⇒ to...
orchestrate (원하는 결과를 내기 위해 치밀히) 조직/기획/조율하다 - 몰래 조작하고... 난 orchestrated란 표현이 더 좋은데) [긍정적] I don't know when he had time to orchestrate all...
● Orchestrate. (원하는 결과를 내기 위해 치밀히) 조직/기획 하다. (Plan 보다... / 음 난 orchestrated란 표현이 더 좋은데 ● I don't know when he had time to orchestrate all of this. Now I...
원저자 Lee J. Colan은 The L Group 컨설팅 창업자로 저술가, 연사를 겸하고 있는 조직의 심리학자다. 싱가포르의 지식 공유 블로거 Yang Ao Wei(楊翱維) 편집한 자료다. Orchestrate Your Attitude 3부 중 2부. JHL
I don't know when he had time to orchestrate all of this. https://youtu.be/Mgair6v2ysU 사전상 뜻만 대충 알면 진짜 쓰기 힘든 단어 vulnerable intimidating orchestrate [1] vulnerable /v얼러러블/ 힘들고...
orchestrate (조화롭게)짜다,편성하다 elaboration 정교화, 정교하게 만듦 품사 바꾸지 말고 각... organizations orchestrate top-down risk management. This was a very important point that required elaboration....
... Interfering with or replacing the natural hormones that orchestrate labor, birth, breastfeeding, and maternal... Interfering with or replacing the natural hormones (that orchestrate labor, birth, breastfeeding, and maternal...
... Federal Reserve to orchestrate a bailout when it looked as if he would either go broke or lose control to a rich... Federal Reserve to orchestrate a bailout when it looked as if he would either go broke or lose control to a rich...
... to orchestrate some kind of additional support. 5. whether if legislation is necessary, i'm in favor of that.... to orchestrate some kind of additional support. 연방의 돈이 충분히 음악 치료법에 현재는...
... to orchestrate some kind of additional support. 오타가 여기 저기 있어서 제가 고쳤습니다. 1. It... to orchestrate some kind of additional support. 현재 연방정부로부터 이렇다할만한 자금이 전혀...
공무원영어를 올해 시작했는데 영어단어가 많이 부족하다고 느끼는 학생입니다 ㅠㅠ 제가 한 지문을 따서 풀어보니까 the future , brides , grooms , predominantly , orchestrate, compatible , indication divorce spouses 등의 단어를...
Unlike, say, Osama bin Laden, who preferred to orchestrate atrocities from the shadows, Al-Asheed fancies himself a terrorism influencer, posting videos on social media in which he is in the...
For years, organized crime figures around the globe relied on the devices to orchestrate international drug shipments, coordinate the trafficking of arms and explosives, and discuss contract...
Milkman realized she had been frazzled by the effort to orchestrate her energetic 5-year-old’s social calendar. “We were trying to do play dates regularly, and it was truly miserable,” said...
Ukrainians investigated over election disinformation Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn are investigating whether several Ukrainian officials helped orchestrate a wide-ranging plan to meddle in the...
Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn have been investigating whether several Ukrainian officials helped orchestrate a wide-ranging plan to meddle in the 2020 presidential campaign, including using...
Bourkoff, a deal maker and chief executive of LionTree, to orchestrate a sale. Anchorage has been under pressure from various stakeholders to exit the investment, with some agitators complaining...