Unlike relativists who think there are no such hierarchy among cultures and their values vary in... Therefore, I'd like to stand for 'open cultural awareness' rather than 'cultural relativism'. 문화 상대주의...
문화차이 When Two Asian Negotiators Meet: The Korean and Japanese cross-cultural... First of all, the Japanese culture respects hierarchy and rituals. The Japanese business group is...
공손함, 체면, 피드백: 기관의 피드백 문화가 피드백 실천에 미치는 영향 (Acad Med, 2018) 공손함, 체면, 피드백: 기관의 피드백 문화가 피드백 실천에 미치는 영향...
The cultural dimensions represent independent preferences for one state of affairs over... role hierarchy and relations rather than the expression of self through direct communication....
of cultural hierarchy in soap operas and films (연속극과 영화에 나타난 문화적인 계층의 비평) - 틀린 보기 - 문화적인 계층은 비평가들이 만들어낸 이미지 ③ side effects of popularized cultural...
... 일반적으로 페미니즘은 남성이 주도하는 사회문화 속에서 주류 밖으로 밀려난... Typically, the feminist leader of the men out of the mainstream of social and cultural hierarchy milryeonan women to represent...
... (people think i don't want to go to a museum where my culture is considered low down on the hierarchy of cultural... 그들의 문화유산이 어떻게 전시되고 나타나지는 알게하는것이 성공으로 가는...
... of hierarchy are defined by a cultural charter (Malinowski 1945:43). Culture appears as a vast conditioning... alone …… 문화는 훈련을 통해 기술들의 전달, 규범(기준)의 가르침, 취향의 발달...
... 발생되는 문화지체(cultural lag)현상이 뚜렷하게 나타나고 있다. 뉴미디어를 비롯한... Also, information exclusive possession hierarchy which possess a lot of informations can hold good in high position...
... buildings, cultural institutions and new infrastructures of roads, rain and services. As Robson gas shown, the urban hierarchy, once established in... 국민빌딩, 문화단체, 새로운 도로와 비(?) 그리고...
teaches cultural content at Ajou University. "The saying that 'good things come to those who wait' is... "People in their 20s and 30s really like how Pengsoo defies the social hierarchy, using informal speech and...
a hierarchy that prevents women or minorities from obtaining upper-level positions". The glass ceiling has lately been thinning towards women in America, but it is stubbornly opaque in Korea. Of course, there is a cultural...
Once revered cultural figures have been shamed for abusing their power. Progressive activists and Catholic... The Me Too accusations have revealed that power and hierarchy are behind the misconduct. Directors and actors have...
equality without hierarchy amongst universities, regions and designers; universal design opens to all types... budgets, cultural contexts, and tools develop solutions to the problems and opportunities of our time....
Kim Chang-hwan, left, recently opened the cultural space, Sueno 339, which aims to provide space for young... Rather than living a life of hierarchy, I wanted to live horizontally. Rather than enjoying service and...