Yoast reminds me to optimize my titles, meta descriptions, headers and content for search.... I use additional plugins for caching (WP Super Cache) and compressing, but not for strict...
SETUP I’m using both VMWare Workstation and Virtual box(depending on conditions of the... + /wp-content/plugins/akismet/readme.txt: The WordPress Akismet plugin 'Tested up to' version...
Upload the entire simple-urls folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory DO NOT change... Settings page Button example 1.0.3 Updates to readme.txt Added plugin banner 1.0.2 Added is...
<code /> { "name": "bluesky-project-front-sveltekit", "version": "0.0.1", "scripts": { "dev": "vite dev... exports = { content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'], theme: { extend: {} }, plugins: [] }; ./src...
20 all symptom scripts for apport ii appstream 0.10.6-1~ubun arm64 Software component... 3+16 arm64 OpenGL window and compositing manager ii compiz-plugins-d 1: arm64 OpenGL...
20 all symptom scripts for apport ii appstream 0.10.6-1~ubuntu16.0 arm64 Software component... 20 arm64 OpenGL window and compositing manager - GNOME window decorato ii compiz-plugins...
... userAgent,r=i.plugins,o=i.languages;if(n)return"webdriver";if(!r||Array.isArray(r))return"plugins";if... k<document.scripts.length;k++)if(-1<document.scripts[k].src.indexOf(y)){g="no"!==document.scripts[k]...